A Scaffolding Company in Northampton along with meeting every scaffolding requirements of clients should also take care of the safety and health measures adequately.
Brand : Piper Scaffolding Contractors Limited
Beancroft Farm, Beancroft Road Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK43 0QE,

EST 1991



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01267 340 019

NOTICE: we have relocated to South West Wales

Scaffolding Tower Hire in Northampton

Different constructional requirements have different solutions implemented to make it feasible for workers to reach high up for buildings. A scaffold is one such solution. The one essential trait when we talk about scaffolds, is their reliability. Here at Piper Scaffolds, we offer several different types of scaffold towers for hire in Northampton, with our main warehouses based just down the road in Bedford. When constructing a house or a commercial space, you will need your workers to feel safe on the scaffolds when reaching high up places, and that is something that we can ensure.

Be it the standard, the ledger or the platform itself, we focus on each and every component of the scaffold tower to achieve perfection in terms of safety.

Services for Hiring Tower Scaffolds in Northampton

The one thing that differentiates us from other scaffold tower hire providers in Northampton, is the fact that we are considerably more particular about the quality testing measures that we have in place. The scaffolding towers that we set up for jobs throughout Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire are constructed with special emphasis on the platform. This is just one of the many extra measures that we take to ensure that you get a quaility service, and show that we take particular care in every scaffolding tower hire job, whether big or small.

So if you are interested in hiring a scaffolding tower for your next home or commercial renovation, drop us a message or give our team a call and we'll be happy to offer a quote, along with any advice you may need.

Need Scaffolders in Northampton

You've come to the right place. Whatever your scaffolding needs, our team can quickly assess your requirements for the construction or repair work you have planned, advise the best scaffolding solution for the job and have a secure platform assembled for you at a time that is most convenient to you. We provide scaffolding for a huge number of different needs, including:
- roof repairs
- new builds
- perimeter edge protection
- renovations
- roof edge protection
- guttering work
- Asbestos removal enclosures
- emergency fixes
- solar panel installation

To find out more about what scaffolding would be right for the job, get in touch with one of our team who can offer your advice over the phone or pay you a visit in Northampton to survey your site.

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